The new leaks come from tipster Ishan Agarwal and MySmartPrice. According to them, the Chinese smartphone maker will be launching two new models of its Redmi flagship in China. Both of them will come in following variants – 6GB RAM/ 64GB storage, 6GB RAM/ 128GB storage, 8GB RAM/ 128GB storage, and 8GB RAM/ 256GB storage. While the colour options will reportedly be Red, Blue and Carbon. Other than that, it is not known whether the devices will be supporting expandable storage. One of the devices might see the launch next week while the other might be launched later this month. Agarwal has also added that the devices will hold the model number M1903F10 and M1903F11. One of them with the model number M1903F10G was already spotted on the IMDA database in Singapore. So, it hints that the launch of the device could be possible in the coming weeks. We should mention that this device holds a similar model number as the Poco F1. The Poco F1 had ‘E10’ at the end so there is a possibility that we might get to see the launch of the much-awaited Poco F2 later this month.

Moreover, Lu Weibing, the General Manager of Redmi earlier teased that the upcoming Redmi X (flagship) will sport an in-display fingerprint scanner. The battery of the Redmi X would also be large enough to last two days. It will reportedly pack a 6.39-inch Full HD+ screen and will run Android 9 Pie skinned with MIUI 10. The device will be powered by the Snapdragon 855 SoC and will feature a triple rear cameras setup. Before the launch of the flagship Redmi devices it already has made a few competitors, closest of which is the Realme X and the OnePlus 7. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Xiaomi to launch two new Redmi smartphones this month  Report - 55Xiaomi to launch two new Redmi smartphones this month  Report - 30