We even searched Wikipedia, but probably for the first time, the website that is literally like an encyclopedia, could not provide us with too many results. In the entire list of desserts on Wikipedia, we could find only six that begin with the letter Q – Queijadinha, Qurabiya, Queen of Puddings, Quindim, Qottab and Quesito. Another dessert that we can think of is Quince Jam. But let’s face it, none of them is too popular. We had not even heard of any of them before we scanned the page. And considering that Google usually goes for a dessert that has a global popularity, we really doubt if it would really pick one of these for Android Q‘s name.

— GadgetBridge (@gadgetbridge) May 9, 2019 Google itself has acknowledged that naming Android Q is a problem. Speaking about this, Sameer Samat, Google’s vice president of product management for Android and Play. “We’re super excited about the desserts. At the same time, Q is a hard letter. But we’re looking at it.” While Google can also completely miss naming the operating system after a dessert for once, we know that this is highly unlikely to happen. The reason for this is that naming Android versions after desserts play into Google’s image. By adopting a fun name for its operating system, Google puts across a message that its smartphones are for everyone and not just aimed at software geeks. Other companies like Apple and Microsoft have a fairly straightforward approach. Over the years we have seen Google name its Android operating system after Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jellybean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo, and Pie.

The technology giant usually does not announce the name of its Android operating system until its closer to the release. Considering this, it does not have too much time to decide on a name for its operating system. Personally, we think that Google would settle for Quince Jam. But then, we can’t really bet on it seeing that ‘Q’ is such a tricky letter. What do you think Google will name its Android Q? Let us know in the comments.

What will Google name Android Q  - 5What will Google name Android Q  - 75