While announcing Circle, Twitter in its official announcement said, “Sometimes you just want to talk to your people. That’s why we created Twitter Circle, a new way to Tweet to a smaller crowd.” With Twitter Circle, users may now decide on a Tweet-by-Tweet basis who can view and interact with their content. This makes it simpler to connect with a smaller group of followers and have more private interactions. Twitter started experimenting with Twitter Circle in May, and the firm reports that the feedback has been extremely positive. As a result, the business is now making this in-demand functionality accessible to everyone worldwide on iOS, Android, and Twitter.com. You now have the choice to share your Tweet with either your circle or all of your followers before you post on Twitter. You can change who is in and out of a circle at any time, and it can hold up to 150 people. No one will be informed of any modifications you make to your circle. Tweets that were sent to your circle will have a green badge next to them. They cannot be shared or Retweeted and can only be seen by the people you’ve chosen to be in your circle. Additionally, even if your Twitter account is public, all responses to these Tweets remain private. With its Close Friends feature, rival Instagram also provides a similar option that lets users share stories with particular friends. Now that you know you can Tweet to a customised, smaller audience with Twitter Circle. No matter who they follow on Twitter, anyone can be joined to a circle. They will be able to read Tweets and replies shared in that circle after they have entered it. Moreover, the whole list of individuals in your Twitter Circle is only visible to you. When you share a Circle Tweet, members can see your engagement if someone likes it or comments to it, unless your account is restricted. However, people won’t be able to see a list of your circle members. Only their followers who are also in your Twitter Circle will see their engagement if someone in your Circle maintains a protected account. The Retweet icon cannot be used by members of your Circle to distribute your Tweets on Twitter or inside their own Twitter Circle. Please keep in mind that anyone in your Circle can still download, copy, and/or share photos or screenshots of the stuff you share there. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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