Right now it is not easier to trust any of the other video communication tools. Some are secure but not useable or those who are usable but not secure for instance Zoom. In order to take on these popular but not so secure video conferencing apps Telegram is going to come up with a secure group video calls feature on its platform. However, the feature was announced last week and the company also introduced several other features to kill time while getting bored at home. These features are Quizzes, educational tests, 20,000 stickers and many more. Until now Telegram did not support a video calling feature but via a new blog post, the company aims to bring a  secure group video calls to feature by this year when most of the apps are not secure keeping their user’s data and privacy at risk. “What’s next, you might ask? The current global lockdown highlighted the need for a trusted video communication tool. Video calls in 2020 are much like messaging in 2013. There are apps that are either secure or usable, but not both. We’d like to fix that, and we will focus on bringing you secure group video calls in 2020. When will they be ready? You‘ll be the first to know when we’re done, promise. So stop asking,” the blog post said. While on the other hand its rival and popular chatting app WhatsApp has increased the limit of people in a group video or voice call. It now supports up to eight participants in group video calls. Earlier it used to support up to four people. Earlier this year Telegram introduced a Quiz Mode that allowed users to lex their trivia muscles. Now the company is rolling out an update to this feature with educational features. Earlier it has objective-based multiple-choice questions but with the new update, the users can now add explanations in response to quiz questions allowing them to learn from their mistakes or giving them more context.  Now while creating a quiz via @Quizbot the users can now set a timer for questions. Timers add to the competitive element of Telegram quizzes, which are often used for exam preparation in student group chats. With the new countdown animation, everyone can see how much time they have left. Furthermore, Telegram has announced to distribute EUR 400,000 )that translates to Rs 3.29 crores) among creators of educational tests. “To take part, use @QuizBot to create and publish an original educational test on any subject at any difficulty level, in any language. Feel free to choose anything from basic Medieval European History in English to Mikrobiologie für Experten auf Deutsch – and add any media you require to your questions, but make sure all intellectual property rights are respected. We will publish the quizzes you submit in a searchable directory. Based on their quality and popularity we will then announce the winners in several stages. Submissions for the first stage end on May 15.” Moreover, the company has also introduced a new sticker directory where you can browse and search the over 20,000 high-quality free Telegram stickers created in the last 5 years. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date with the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Telegram Messenger to soon introduce  secure group video calls  on its platform - 95Telegram Messenger to soon introduce  secure group video calls  on its platform - 64