“At this juncture, when an average Jio consumer uses over 900 minutes of voice calls every month, and at a growing base of consumers, the launch of Jio Wi-Fi Calling will further enhance every Jio consumer’s voice-calling experience, which is already a benchmark for the industry with India’s-first all VoLTE network,” Reliance Jio Director Akash Ambani said. Recent rumours suggest that Reliance Jio is now working a feature phone with one function in mind. It is believed that this feature phone will be called the “Jio Phone Lite” and will only support the making and attending of voice calls. It is believed that the phone will be priced below Rs 399 and will come equipped to make voice calls only. The device is expected to have a small display with an alphanumeric keyboard. Rumours also suggest that post-launch of the device, Jio will launch exclusive plans like a Rs 50 plan enabling unlimited voice calls from the Jio phone lite. It is not yet confirmed if this phone is really going to be launched or if it’s a rumour that has no base in reality. Reliance Jio has not made any official announcement about the Jio phone lite. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date with the Gadget Bridge Android App.

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