Earlier this year, PUBG Mobile announced that it would introduce a feature which would promote healthy gaming behaviour to make sure that the young players of the game doesn’t spend too much time on it. And now, PUBG Mobile is officially rolling out the new ‘Gameplay Management’ system which encourages the players to adopt a more balanced mobile gaming. The new Gameplay Management system for PUBG Mobile is being rolled out for Asian and North African countries, including India, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Nepal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. This feature will be rolled out in other countries in stages until it is rolled out globally. The Gameplay Management system will help the players stay informed about the time they spend on the game. It will be activated when the user logs in the game for the first time and then they will be asked to enter their age. The players will need to fill the necessary information asked to activate the system. And if the game finds out that the player is underage or below 18 years then it will acknowledge a gaming advisory before the player is allowed to play. The game will also use pop up notifications to remind the players when they need to stop playing the game.

Speaking on this, Vincent Wang, General Manager of Global Publishing Department, Tencent Games said, “PUBG Mobile is committed to being a responsible interactive entertainment provider. With experts worldwide examining the impacts of technology and video games on players of all ages, our team wants to ensure our community is equipped to make informed choices when it comes to PUBG Mobile. Today’s announcement is a proactive step in ensuring that hundreds of millions of players worldwide can continue to enjoy PUBG Mobile in a sustainable manner.” We saw this feature earlier in 2019 when some players in India were stopped from the game from playing more than 6 hours in a day. At that time, the feature was not made official and people thought it was a bug. But people knew that this will be the new feature PUBG Mobile will bring to stop the young players from spending too much time on the game. PUBG Mobile is also planning to launch new features and ways that will educate the players on the benefits of Gameplay Management system. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

PUBG Mobile rolls out the Gameplay Management System to cure video game addiction - 34PUBG Mobile rolls out the Gameplay Management System to cure video game addiction - 81