The video shows the closed package in which he ‘smartphone’ was delivered. It goes on to show Singh opening the package using a pair of scissors and then taking out a laminated and sealed OnePlus box. Singh tears open the lamination and then opens the box, only to see packs of soaps inside it. The video ends with Singh emptying the entire box, which only had four soaps in it. At the time when this article was being written, the video shared by Singh had been viewed 99,148 times, and his post had 1045 likes and 375 comments. We should point out that these frauds are not unheard of and e-commerce websites are not always responsible for these misses, as it can be the seller’s fault also. After this year’s festive season sales, we reported about a number of instances where customers received counterfeit products or products that they hadn’t ordered for. This included a man who got fake Apple Airpods, a customer who received an Oppo smartphone instead of Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro, a guy who was given a plastic fan in place of an iPhone X among others. A lot of these customers complained about e-commerce websites blaming the seller for the fault and vice versa. Some even said that the e-commerce players were not very helpful while resolving these issues. We hope for Singh it is easier, as he has recorded evidence of what he claims has happened to him.

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Be careful  you might get soaps instead of OnePlus 6T if you order from Amazon - 10Be careful  you might get soaps instead of OnePlus 6T if you order from Amazon - 98