Additionally, Paytm all is offering customers a cashback of Rs 22,000 on using the promocode MOBFESTIVE22K. On using the promocode, the effective cost of the iPhone X comes down to Rs 67,358. That’s not all. Buyers will also get a discount of Rs 2,500 if they pay for the smartphone using an ICICI Bank credit or debit card. On doing this, the cost of the smartphone further comes down to Rs 64,858. The same offers are also valid on the 256GB storage version of iPhone X which bears a price tag of Rs 1,08,930. The customers will get the cashback promised by the website in their Paytm wallets within 24 hours of their new smartphone getting shipped. So if you have been one among the Apple fans who were disappointed last month with three rather costly iPhones being added to Apple’s lineup, this may be the right deal for you. But in case you miss the chance of buying the smartphone from either, you can still pick it from Flipkart at a reduced price. On Flipkart, the 64GB storage variant of iPhone X costs Rs 79,999, the 256GB storage version is being sold at Rs 98,999. To recall, iPhone X sports an edge to edge 5.8-inch SuperRetina OLED display and is powered by Apple’s A11 Bionic chipset. On the camera front, there are 12MP wide-angle and telephoto rear cameras and a 7MP selfie camera. It is the first ever iPhone to support FaceID and it comes with a 1-year manufacturer warranty.

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Apple iPhone X available at a discount of Rs 30 532 on Paytm Mall - 56Apple iPhone X available at a discount of Rs 30 532 on Paytm Mall - 15